Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Your mother...

Today I met the most insolent little boy. He was about five but he had the disrespect of a 60 year old who as older than everyone could act as he pleased. Those little kids most people can't stand, that u just want to throw out the window, and I wondered how his mother just sits their and watch? But this is not about his discipline or lack of, but the way his mother shielded and protected him when we finally had enough and I graciously offered to throw him away, she protected him.
That what mothers do, only in extremely dysfunctional cases do u find a mother that does not love her child UNCONDITIONALLY. That is the love of a mother, the father may throw u out, but she will still send private messages and duas your way.
When the prophet saw was asked who was more deserving of honor he said " your mother" and he made that response 3 times before he said, "your father". I believe our mothers have earned their spot.

Surah Luqman, Verse 14:
And We have enjoined man in respect of his parents his mother bears him with faintings upon faintings and his weaning takes two years saying: Be grateful to Me and to both your parents; to Me is the eventual coming.

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Wednesday, 14 September 2011

My hair!!

Before I started wearing the hijab, I used to get my hair done, pretty nicely, had weaves and braids on, was a hair diva, somewhat. And now, well my hair is all tied up. :)
The remember the first time my friend showed me this hadith years ago, saying that the Prophet SAW put a curse on any woman that put false hair or lashes and the one that fixes it for her, I thought "ha'an thats a bit harsh" subhanAllah, may Allah forgive me for that,I really wasn't ready for it, so I made myself "unknow" that hadith, I mean whats the big deal??
I didn't understand it till I started wearing the hijab. And more, recently when a sister asked how do we then stop making our hair? I offered, tie your hair in a scarf, it my not be a hijab but its on the way to one inshaAllah.
Fixing your hair has a lot of perks, it makes u feel good for a moment, thats if it doesn't hurt but also has its downsides, it costs money, and these days more and more money is poured down the drain to make ourselves look "pretty", as student, Allah knows I need that extra cash in my pocket so yes am glad am done with that business and most importantly it encourages vanity. I was sitting with a coursemate one time and she was talking about how she needs to get her hair done, and how prices have gone up because of human/Brazilian hair(that is an entire topic on it own!), and how you had to get a fairly good grade of hair ( at that moment I was really glad I was done) and in the end she said you know all this is vanity, vanity upon vanity, I smiled.
Its that vanity that makes us "forget" to cover our hair, or makes the head cover "fall off accidentally" that makes it impossible to wear the hijab/khimar. I mean why make your hair with all that money when you can't show it off right???...
The hijab humbles you, and saves money too, but most especially humbling. Then thing I like about weavons was that my hair was covered and it could grow, the hijab offers me that. When I started with the hijab, I announced to friends I shall not be making my hair anymore, they didn't see why but when it seemed that the hijab was here to stay, they understood the financial reason, covering hair, no point. Also there is no place in Islam for vanity and pride, "a person will not enter paradise if he had even an iota of pride" may Allah save us. But I chose not to make my hair simply coz its haram and I refuse to be one of those women.

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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

My fate..

I used to enjoy reading my horoscope, just for the fun of it, just to see i suppose. Im a pisces. Then i discovered it was haram (prohibited) that it can lead to shirk (associating patners with Allah) actually ive always known this but it was one of those things i choose to ignore, i mean its just horoscopes, not really a big deal. Recently i was watching Avatar, the air bender version, with my niece and nephew or maybe THEY were watching it with me.. Well anyways there was an episode where they went to a village that had a fortune teller. The lady practically ruled that community, never was a decision taken without her consent, the people relied on her for everything, what to where, where to go to, who to talk to, what to sow, EVERYTHING! Aang discovered that there was going to be a volcanic erruption that could wipe the whole village but no one believed him, because it had not been "predicted". Anyway, this may be extreme you may think but is it? Some people do base there lives on those things.
Qadr, one of the five pillars of faith, means believe in divine decree, the complete trust in Alah as Master of our affairs.
Knowing about Qadr, how then does it work with astrology? Am i really live my fate in the hands of Allah? In the Qur'an Allah said, know that if the whole of civilization came to do you a good, they will not succeed without His permission and also should a whole people gather to do you evil, they shall not succeed without Allah.
So this is my truth;
Say. "Never will we be struck except what Allah has decreed for us, He is our protector." And upon Allah let the believers rely. Qur'an[ 9:51 ]
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Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Those specs...

Im out on an errand and when we get to the market, immediatly the car parks, theres a rush of children to it (for those who are familiar with the 'almajiri' setting, and if u arent, well..) im really not in the mood, politely excuse myself and go about my business. By the time im done and back to the car, they are on the drivers side talking to my brother. They round up and he hands some change to one and tells him to share with the other, Jamilu. As we drive off i ask "so wat were u guys talking about? "Nothing really, asked them what they were doing and the younger one said "beggin" (how simpistict are children?) And i asked again why? They said "cause we have to pay our Mallam, we give him a certain amount and if theres anything left, we use it to eat. " he asks for their names, Jamilu and Awwal and their from a place that i've never even heard of in a far away state. And then they talked about foot ball...i look at him and i see a whole new person and i say "thats really nice u know, what u did" and he says "its nothing, i was just talking to little kids". That was exactly what they were, little kids, how many times has anyone seen them and thought that? Most times we shoo them in annoyance, but alas heres someone that gave them a minute, somehow i feel they wouldnt forget it quick. I felt ashamed of myself, that i havent even thought of it that way. They have at an early stage been ripped from their homes and made to fend for themselves under the guise or islamic education. Its sad when the person that should know the most appears not to know at all. Children put under your custody to learn have been turned into beggers and a way of earning a living. With over 30 children under his watch paying daily 'penance' he has himself a small fortune and with that the fear of Allah extinguished in his heart. Islamcontrary to popular belief is against begging and sees it as absolute last resort, yet muslim children, grown men and women alike litter the streets everyday, begging. They view it as earning a living. Islam urges us to uphold our dignity and there is nothing dignifying in that.
The prophet (S.A.W) said "I swear it is better for one of you ro get rope and fetch firewood from the bush, carry it on his back, than go to the person Allah had enriched to beg him for something which he might give him or turn him down."
And somehow begging has become a common sight in muslim communities..
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The Last Sermon

This is beautiful mashAllah and it essentially captures the message of islam by our Rasool, (SAW)
THE PROPHET'S (SAW)LAST SERMON. O People, listen to me in earnest, worship God, say your five daily prayers (Salah), fast during the month of Ramadan, and give your wealth in Zakat. Perform Hajj if you can afford to.

All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do injustice to yourselves.

Remember, one day you will appear before God and answer your deeds. So beware, do not stray from the path of righteousness after I am gone.

O People, no prophet or apostle will come after me and no new faith will be born.  Reason well, therefore, O People, and understand wo
rds which I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, the Quran and my example, the Sunnah and if you follow these you will never go astray.

All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to others again; and may the last ones understand my words better than those who listen to me directly. Be my witness, O God, that I have conveyed your message to your people".