Wednesday, 25 May 2011

My fate..

I used to enjoy reading my horoscope, just for the fun of it, just to see i suppose. Im a pisces. Then i discovered it was haram (prohibited) that it can lead to shirk (associating patners with Allah) actually ive always known this but it was one of those things i choose to ignore, i mean its just horoscopes, not really a big deal. Recently i was watching Avatar, the air bender version, with my niece and nephew or maybe THEY were watching it with me.. Well anyways there was an episode where they went to a village that had a fortune teller. The lady practically ruled that community, never was a decision taken without her consent, the people relied on her for everything, what to where, where to go to, who to talk to, what to sow, EVERYTHING! Aang discovered that there was going to be a volcanic erruption that could wipe the whole village but no one believed him, because it had not been "predicted". Anyway, this may be extreme you may think but is it? Some people do base there lives on those things.
Qadr, one of the five pillars of faith, means believe in divine decree, the complete trust in Alah as Master of our affairs.
Knowing about Qadr, how then does it work with astrology? Am i really live my fate in the hands of Allah? In the Qur'an Allah said, know that if the whole of civilization came to do you a good, they will not succeed without His permission and also should a whole people gather to do you evil, they shall not succeed without Allah.
So this is my truth;
Say. "Never will we be struck except what Allah has decreed for us, He is our protector." And upon Allah let the believers rely. Qur'an[ 9:51 ]
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